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Why should I join?We believe Star Citizen should be played with friends. Sharing equipment and ships, getting involved in large operations, big space battles, crewing large multicrew ships and exciting ground combat are just some of the things that make the game more interesting. Organizations can provide safety when needed and danger when desired, org members make more money together than alone and as we head into 1.0 the opportunities for orgs far exceed those of single players. To get the most out of Star Citizen, you need to play with people who create activities within the sandbox that CIG have provided. We do that. Why should you join Eagle River Syndicate? Play with us, if you like us and we like you then we're the right org for you!
Can I join if I'm a member of other orgs?The Eagle River Syndicate prefers our members to be exclusive. However, at the moment we are accepting players from other orgs, providing we do not see a conflict of interest. We prefer to pick and choose our relationships with other orgs carefully and we won't be influenced by members affiliations. We have set up a number of orgs that will allow our members to switch between different guild alignments in 1.0, to take advantage of this you will need to have enough membership capacity to switch your active org as required. We will not offer this service to anyone who is not exclusive to Eagle River. We're proud to be Eagles and we stand by what we do in the game. So whatever the case, we always want Eagle River set as a visible main org.
What are the primary requirements of membership?The prime requirements are: - You should be a team player who enjoys working with others - You should own a headset / mic and must be willing to join our comms channels - You should be engaged with the org, jumping in parties and joining on org members as much as possible - You should be prepared to help your org mates and the org And the big one: - Don't be a dick. We can write so many behavioral attributes, but it really boils down to this.
I don't use voice comms, can I still join?You can still join us but you will not be able to take part in many of our activities, quite simply because it's impossible to coordinate by typing.
I am under 18 can I apply?Yes, you can apply providing you are over 15. We will not accept any players under 15. We aim to take players over 18, but in some exceptional circumstances we will take younger players, providing they are sponsored by an existing member of the Syndicate. Your sponsor must be a player in good standing and must be over the age of 18.
How long does it take to get my application processed?We have a team that work on the applications and we're normally quite quick. If you're on our voice chats it can be nearly instant!
How do I join?Get on our discord so we get to know you a bit and raise a discord ticket or tell an officer you'd like to join. Also go to: click on the JOIN US link and put a few words about why you'd like to join in the application, it's easy!
Why are we called The Eagle River Syndicate?Quite simply because we're hotshots:
Is the Eagle River Syndicate a pirate org?As we explain on this site, we'll do a bit of everything to make profit and have fun. We work under letters of marque for the planetary governments within the verse, at the same time as carrying out legitimate business. We don't always ask where are cargo comes from or who it is for. So no we're not simply a pirate org, we're a true Syndicate with fingers in many pies. Are we happy to remove cargo from other players? You bet!
Who are the key contacts?The key contacts are: Kalgurth - Admiral (EU) Degans - Rear Admiral (US) EnRaven - Captain SAR KomaKennet - Commander T&I TheQuarterMstr - Captain Logistics Mr-Junky_x3 - Captain Fleet Rogy - Captain Marines Diplomatic contact should be requested via our discord.
Do I have to join a branch?Yes, we will ask you to select a branch as your primary focus. It will still be possible to get involved in any other activities within the org, but this branch will be your main progression path.
I'm not sure which branch I should join, can you recommend one?Our branches are set around the major game play loops available with Star Citizen. We tend to find that most people's first aim is to accumulate some wealth and buy some cool ships in game. This means our Trade and Industry team are the best placed to help you achieve your goal. If however, you live to kill other players in your spaceship, then you can jump straight into fleet. If you enjoy rescuing people, try search and rescue. If you are an FPS god, or just enjoy running around with a gun, then Marines are the best loop for you. If you love being the backbone of the org, then you'll want to be in Logistics. An org survives on its equipment and supply lines. Our logistics team excel at keeping us two steps ahead of the enemy.
If I join a branch am I locked into that game play loop?No, that would be self defeating. We want our members to be good at many things, for that reason we run events for branches that are still open to anyone from within the Syndicate. - A medic may want to be an ace fighter pilot - no problem go along to fleet training sessions - A marine wants to mine to make some money fast - no problem join a mining op. And if you feel you've chosen the wrong branch, then you can simply apply for a transfer and move to another branch at any time.
Can I move branches?Yes. All you need to do is tell your existing branch captain and raise a request to join another.
Are the branches set in stone?No. As Star Citizen develops we will continue to adjust our structure to get the most out of the game. We do however, believe we're on a good path and we think our current structure will remain stable for some time.
How do I join a branch?All Syndicate members have access to raise a ticket within the JOIN-A-BRANCH channel on discord. Simply fill out the form and you'll be sorted out by the branch command team.
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